Activate Your Core
Essence with these 12 Sacred Keys of Awakening! Live fully as Your Creationary

For VIDEOS of Christine speaking about Evolutionary

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1's experiential Webinar replay: "Evolutionary Initiations" Intro
(instant access) (You can skip the first 5 minutes)
"Evolutionary Initiations" replay
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Evolutionary Initiations
Module 2:
Activating New Possibilities 2013
3: Infusing Personal Self with Source.
This initiation allows you to finally be aligned in your true beingness and higher purpose. It allows your
enlightened energies to permeate through your personality and life. March 17: Rebirth! Healing Your 4 Original Cells. There are 4 original cells each human has which lay
the foundation for all experiences in life. Healing and activating these to their highest potential allows you to move from
suffering and disenfranchisement to your intrinsic health and power.
March 31: Prosperity: Full Ignition.
You are naturally Abundance and this creates all Prosperity. This day works to clear all blocks to living as
and receiving universal flow of all kinds.... love, finances, opportunities, peace of mind, knowing true self.
April 14:
Sacred Womb of Creation:
Deepening into Cosmic Power. There is a very special place within women and men from which we are in
tune with and create from the power of creation, where we know we are the power of creation. This initiation is an extraordinary
opportunity to engage in this way with the forces of the universe. Clears issues in relationship, alignment with life, gives
purpose, self esteem, etc.
Each module also includes 4 hour long teleconferences
Attend in person in San Rafael, CA, or by webinar. Distance does not get in the way of
receiving this energy!
"The initiation moved mountains within
me." M.S., astrologer "It was a deep transformation into the very core of my being." J.A., healer "There has been tremendous movement.
I feel hugely liberated." N.S., healer "Something ancient and eternal was awakened in me."
D.E., author "Working
with Christine creates an immersion into pure spiritual bliss. Her work goes beyond anything I have ever experienced. She
is such a healing treasure to have in this world." W.V., pilot, healer "I could literally feel the ancient blocks from my ancestral
line over thousands of years being gently removed with Christine's amazing skill and energy. She helped me to clear, open
and invite my enlightened self into my body and now I feel that I am home to the core of my being. This is amazing work!" T.R., channel, author, healer "Christine is a wonderful healer
and teacher. Her compassion and strength create a loving environment where magic happens." B.R., business system analyst
March 3:
Infusing Personal Self with Source We have now made this initiation available to be taken separately so first timers can get to know us and this opportunity
for such unprecedented growth! This is an amazing opportunity to
easily transform sooooo very much in one day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Module 1: Clearing the Decks 2012
Oct. 21: 8 Chakras Healing and Activation. This clears huge levels of self defeating energies and old deficient patterns, and activates your receivership of
pure supportive high frequency universal energies. Transforms your structures of flow with the universe. Opens abundance of
all kinds. Includes activation of the transpersonal thymus chakra, the gateway to infinite immunity; and the umbilicus, both
of which are gateways to much needed physical nourishment. Also aligns all the chakras with each other, and Terra, the heart
gem of the Earth. Can tremendously relieve stress of all kinds.
Nov. 4: Restructuring the Grids
of Your Reality Base: Breaking the Bonds of Duality. Opens gateways into
Oneness. Your structures of reality created
by your habitual mind and your potentials will be changed forever, and you will come into a much deeper understanding of who
you are and what you can accomplish with your life. Nov. 18: DNA of Origin Activation. Experience, activate, and embody your gifts and power of your Essence. Where did you come from before you came to
Earth? What gifts have been lying dormant waiting to be expressed? How can you come into contact with your deep powerful multidimensional
self to empower you here and now? Dec. 2: Kundalini Activation and Sacred Marriage. Sacred
marriage of the Feminine and Masculine within your personal self. Your kundalini power will safely awaken and increase which
will cultivate your power of enlightenment and life force energies within your sacred channels and shakti circuits. Also very
helpful for good health, flow with the universal energies, release of co-dependent patterns, and increased sexual fluidity
and tantric bliss with life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Are you tired of playing small, or simply know there is a next step for
you? Would you like to easily receive a huge jump start on your evolution? Are you longing to birth yourself into the magnificence
you know you are? If your answer is YES,
you are invited to experience these profound life changing initiations that will lead
you into a new kind of human, a new species, a new way of living as the embodied true light of our being. Our energetic structures
are becoming inadequate, problematic, and obsolete. They are crumbling and new ones are needed to take their place. The Evolutionary Initiations are extremely helpful in giving you the necessary transformation of
what has been holding you back from exhibiting your full joyfull radiant self. Fear, worry, anger, disgust, blame, shame,
pain, withholds, depressions, and more, will be easily touched and released with the power of focused shakti and consciousness
transmissions. Join us for this rare
and priceless opportunity to receive the support you need to birth into your unique
expression of the Infinite Human. You will be touched on all levels of your being.
Your light bodies will be activated, tons of unwanted baggage will drop away, and you will literally be grounded into the
dynamic new Earth consciousness, and will discover more courage to finally be expanded,
purposeful, surrendered to your greater self, and courageous in all your actions. Recipients
have reported these beneficial effects to be ongoing and permanent. Imagine how great this will feel! This could be exactly what you have been waiting for! You will: * Drop a tremendous amount of pain and suffering
on all levels * Be activated into a wonderful joyful state of Oneness
* Experience immediate and permanent shifts that will continue to grow in your life * Have a new more
loving relationship with yourself, others, and life itself * Evolve spiritually at a very rapid
rate * Come home to your Inner Sancuary and be 'full of yourself' !
This will catapult you into more: * Freedom
* Confidence *Peace * Joy * Spontaneity * Calmness
* Awakened inner gifts and talents * Heightened intuition
* Enjoyment of new and clear directions to life and your purpose here
Leap into a life of living and being your
dream of Infinite Possibilities!
Aloha, Beauty
One! We are experiencing at this critical
time of 2012 a huge shifting as we are being pushed like never before to evolve into a new species of humans, a new way of
living as the true light and creationary power of our innermost being. Would you like to feel your purpose become clearer?
Awaken your inner gifts even more? Have the capacity to align fully with your highest calling? Embody your full creationary
power? Stop feeling like you need to prove or defend yourself to anyone? I am hoping you will join us and receive the support you need to
become all that you can be as your unique embodied powerful essence and to live with much more grace and balance NOW! You will be steeped in some of the most transformational life changing energies
available anywhere. This awakening will activate your inate connection back into Oneness,
and give you the metaphysical structures to uphold your shift. You will easily release so much old pain, heartache, old layers of separation, anxiety, frustration,
duality, and feeling inconsequential, off-track, underpowered, or perhaps alone. No more lost time or lengthy and costly processing! Imagine how good it will feel to remember and live from who you
really are! Ah, BLISS! This work is so amazing
in its ability to create a whole new interface with reality for each participant. I am able to see the energetic grids of
reality that uphold the way in which you perceive, react, and create your life, and am also able to help them shift safely,
quickly, powerfully, and permanently! This 1-3 module (your choice) Embodied Mastery Program will give you the courage and
wherewithal to finally become all you can be: expanded, awakened, purposeful, powerful, free, surrendered to your greater
self, joyful, and courageous in all your actions. People who have experienced it have reported feeling the effects of these
events and private initiatory sessions continuing on for weeks and longer, with the beneficial effects growing and permanent,
and touching all levels of their lives. I hope you will consider joining us for this priceless
gift of this opportunity at this time of authentic Initiation into Yourself! Love, All ways, always, Christine
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