Source Healing and Awakening

Igniting Your Diamond Corona
"Ignite into Your manifesting Magic!" Initiation
Thank Heavens! call series
Igniting Your Diamond Corona
Immune System Empowerment
Abundance Breakthrough
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“Igniting Your Diamond Corona: Activating Your Illuminated Christ”
      If you want a profound and helpful initiation, please consider attending this mastery event!

    The transformation works long distance even if you are not able to be live on the call with us!
  Wed. April 15    7-8: PM pacific
  attend via phone or long distance -  both are quite effective

 Special sliding scale price of $44-$188
Please pay what you can- these groups give great & lasting value,
and take 3 days & much energy for me to create and deliver. Thank you!
* PAYMENT and registration DUE  by April 14  (the night before)

I have had the fortune of seeing this Diamond Corona over the years. It is a holy crown of awakening- a loving Christed awareness beyond duality. Its development and empowerment is a highlight of our returning to our Essence, our diamond representation of the clearest purest crystalline nature. (I was first aware of the golden Diamond Corona in 2009 as I first worked with it in my 7th Chakra Activation mp3.) It focuses and provides a perfect receptacle for the purest light of our soul to enter into our mind, heart, and body as it becomes more prominent in orchestrating our reality.

I especially want to offer this coronation activation event now to help us remember and reclaim this holy word corona- like the name Isis, the beautiful word corona also signifies the sublime and awakened energy we are becoming, and these holy words and what they signify have been in recent years co-opted to signify things that are unholy and used to support fear in the world.

Hah, I say! So let’s all get ready to move to this next step in Humanity’s evolution... one that is compassionate for the whole. One that knows its own divinity, with an awakened mind, heart, and body, and has the capacity to shine this brilliant light that has birthed us. This is an extraordinary chance to move lightyears ahead in our healing and awakening, and in reclaiming our sovereignty.

I couldn’t find an image online which shows what I see. It really looks like a golden light physical crown that is a funnel of sorts. It organize the spinal circuits which give rise to our active mind intelligence that supersedes all dualistic thinking. Based in the perfect Christ love (united feminine/masculine), it provides, directs, and is fueled by this powerful  effulgent nature.

Being this capacity can open vast new areas of understanding, knowing, reception of inspiration, release of long held toxic emotions and belief systems, and patterns of being that are sooooooo not serving you!! AND also, physical, emotional, and mental healing!

So hence, this particular offering was given to me to give to you now, at another crucial juncture of choice and transformation on this exciting and sobering, time in our history.

I have chosen to offer this particular class on an even lower sliding scale to make it accessible to more people while still allowing me to keep my office afloat! I appreciate you contributing what you can to honor what this gives, and for my many necessary hours to deliver this seemingly only 1 hour endeavor. (It takes at least 2-3  full days.) Thank you! 

Wed. April 15    7-8: PM pacific 
  attend via phone or long distance -  both are quite effective

 Special sliding scale price of $44-$188
Please pay what you can- these groups give great & lasting value,
and take 3 days & much energy for me to create and deliver. Thank you!
* PAYMENT and registration DUE  by April 14  (the night before)

It will empower:

  ~ Direct connection to the most pure frequencies of love and light that we can access
  ~ Capacity to receive all Abundance
  ~ Spiritual awakening into your core Being
  ~ Heightened intuition and direct knowing
  ~ Brain synchronization
  ~ Protection
  ~ Inner sovereignty
  ~ Self Value
  ~ Stability
  ~ Freedom from lower influences
: fear, dark energies, thought patterns of the collective, etc

                  Paypal:   choose only the "SEND TO FRIENDS and FAMILY"   option, to:
                                sourcehealing(at)yahoo(dot)com    (antispam spelling here)
                                                  RSVP: 1-800-325-0264 or email me

 Let me know if you will be on the call, or via distance (both have proven to be very effective).
You will be sent the call-in phone number by 1: PM  Wednesday, 15th

A few experiences from the "Your Abundance Breakthrough" call:

"I'm still vibrating from the call last night. I haven't been able to function properly for several weeks because my back was so whacked. I focused on it during the call, and it is 90% dissolved. Honestly....thank you!"

"I loved the telecall session, thank you. Interestingly a potentially lucrative opportunity landed in my lap the next day, and not something I was expecting."

"You really helped shift our son's energy in a very positive way. And I feel really differently about myself the next day. I have a huge new sense of who I am. I felt a sense of freedom I hadn't felt in a really long time- free and light. And it continues!