Free at Last :
Liberation and Ignition into Your True Self
Are you ready? April 2016 will bring an unprecedented
wave of transformational magnetic energy that will rock this world. There is no escaping the accelerating transformation of
the vast light that is being impregnated on Earth, birthed from Source. This can create havoc and deep challenge in those
not already in tune with the new energies.
This very advanced Evolutionary Initiations program “Free at Last” is a wondrous opportunity
which will support you in being ready by RADICALLY shifting your individual metaphysical structures and incarnational platforms
from which you create your reality. Your life will become centered from your deepest core as Source, naturally aligned
and empowered with your highest potential you can ever achieve or become.This will give you a major upgrade and fresh
start into freedom and possibilities, affecting every aspect of your life- giving strength, joy, awareness, purpose,
gifts, flow, love, healing, and awakening into the embodied possibilities of your new future.
Life will feel different, you will be different !
Imagine being in full trust with your life, with your ego infused and aligned in Source,
fully capable and knowledgeable in how to meet each moment with confidence, ability, joy, love, and purpose.
In this
3 session initiation intensive you will:
~ receive radical
clearing and relieve stagnation from outdated 3rd dimensional ancestral, karmic, personal, and collective trauma and
limiting belief systems and habits
~ receive a huge infusion of high
density light, and new structures of higher dimensional incarnation, opening your capacity for a fresh start
~ be aligned and grounded psychologically, cosmically, planetarally, and spiritually with Source
~ be majorly empowered as a human being and more fully aware
of being Divine Source.
April 15 - April 29 - May 13 Fridays
7-9:30 PM pacific time 2018
San Rafael, CA, or long distance
(Long distant participants in the series are silently included in every process we do, the same as if they are
there; note: there will be no webinar, teleseminar, recordings or reports sent of what happened afterward. All you need to
do is be quiet and still during the times they are happening, and be open to receiving.)
* Early bird discount for all 3 initiations:
$1050 if paid by midnight April 8th, pacific time; $1200 thereafter ~ credit card through Paypal, Paypal, check (call for
mailing address), and cash can be dropped off at my office. (I love cash!) (If using Paypal, see instructions below.)
* Receive $150 off if you have referred anyone who has ever had a one hour private session with me
* Receive $200 off for each friend you bring to this series that I have
not already worked with !
(Each one of these initiations if given privately
are $777 each. Groups can be much more powerful!)
Some payment plans, or exchange options considered if needed.
$450 for just the first one; an additional $800 paid by April 16 grants you attendance to all 3.
You will receive the address and parking instructions within 24 hours of the
first initiation (by April 14).
NOTE: Please contact Christine first b4 payment, as she needs to check if this intensive program is a good match
with you.
Attendees of Christine's intensives have reported instantaneous and permanent healing, potent initiations,
inner alignments, clarity, relief, peace, joy, trust, and awakening into one’s true expanded Self- who they really are.
Hodil, with 36 years experience, is a loving down to earth 'direct knowing' clairvoyant, clairaudient, and
clairescient sound healer and activator of potential. She is a highly skilled technician, bridge, conduit, and emanater who
has a powerful and unique ability to help people radically shift even instantaneously on countless levels of the Totality
of their being and in their lives. 1-800-325-0264
*In case you are wondering, this price is in alignment with the proper energy
exchange for the value you will receive, and the amount of energy Christine will be involved with to deliver this for you.