Let’s face it, 3rd dimensional life on planet
Earth has been hard. This is because it has been based on duality structures of lack, struggle, and conflict. If you are still
trying to find fulfillment through these limiting energetic structures and agreements that you took on as you incarnated,
your journey can feel like you are struggling upstream against a raging river, or like you just can’t get ahead! Life
has been a lesson on how to live with your Infinite Being crammed into a tiny contorted package. Ouch!
This powerful course is designed to help you finally get free from these old energetic structures and enable
you to live an awakened life filled with wonderful possibilities and fulfillment! Source energies are delivered in 4 MP3s
which help facilitate this liberation, as higher dimensional ones then elegantly arise to support your enlightened and abundant
living. The benefits are far reaching as permanent shifts and alignments are created throughout your ego, soul, and beyond,
creating a whole new foundation for your greatly empowered life! Yay!
~ Drop tons of old patterning
~ Shift from living in struggle, to living gracefully and harmoniously in Oneness
~ Be able
to easily draw to you whatever you need
~ Feel more peace, harmony, and love in your life
~ Evolve spiritually at a very rapid rate
~ Learn and embody who you really
are as an awakened being
~ Enhance your creativity, spontaneity, and joy
~ Embrace your evolutionary destiny: change from 3rd dimension to 5th and beyond
~ and much more
You will receive a welcome video and 5 informative PDFs filled
with many profound daily exercises and meditations. (2 examples are clearing mental perceptions of duality, and noticing judgement.)
You will also listen to 4 transformational mp3s 38-40 minutes long in which Christine's voice will lead you on an inner
journey of healing and activation through vocal sound healing and energies of consciousness from high dimensional fields of
Source. You will experience immediate and permanent shifts, exactly the right amount for you, that will continue to grow in
your life.
Prerequisite for attending:
~ Computer with high speed internet
connection to view welcome video, and to download the PDFs and MP3s.
~ A quiet still place to listen 38-40 minutes at a time, with still
or non busy time after.
~ A deep desire to shift your perspective and drop limitations, and to embody and expand into your true self.
~ This course is designed for all levels of participants ready for a deep shift in consciousness
since it affects such deep foundational levels of their beings. Everyone drawn to this course will receive the perfect amount
of energetic shift for them. A glossary of metaphysical terms is included.
you purchase ($244), you will have access to the full month's course as a whole.