Source Healing and Awakening

"Ignite into Your manifesting Magic!" Initiation

"Ignite into Your manifesting Magic!" Initiation
Thank Heavens! call series
Igniting Your Diamond Corona
Immune System Empowerment
Abundance Breakthrough
Source Healing & Awakening ~ the work
About Christine Hodil
Contact & Payment
Mp3s Store
RENEWAL Energetics training program
Physical Trauma Healing Testimonials
More Testimonials
Lyme Disease Healing
Breaking the Bonds of Duality online course
Music Samples
Prayers of Awakening project
The Illuminated Sound of Creation
Singing, Sound, Healing Voice
Your Abundant Prosperity mp3s
New Heart, New Gut & Core Alignment
New Gut and Inner Core Upgrade
Evolutionary Initiations, Modules 1-3
"Free at Last" Initiation program
Source Training Program
8 Chakras Healing & Activation Series Mp3s
The Divine Template of Man Initiation
Source Connections Intensives & Healing Services

I would love for you to join me at the Feminine Frequency Festival !
August 27, 1-1:30 PM on facebook live
Signing up there will enable you to watch the replays as well !
It is free!
Come receive this live powerful initiation that will be birthed specifically for everyone who signs up to be in this group!

Ready to truly embody your greatest mastery of creation? Know and BE  this magical manifestor of what you TRULY desire in life, fueled by the power of you full soul presence, with all the support from the highest magnificent Beings.
We will clear old programming, and open the gates for your new alignments into successfully manifesting your heart's desires!

We are birthing our new humanity, and the powers available to do this has greatly expanded. All these areas can now be exponentially empowered: creativity, finances, health, relationships, spiritual awakening, inspiration.... living peace, love, joy, calm, contentment, full, clear, effective- you name it. This can happen now for you!
People who have attended groups I have led over the past 38 years have reported them all to be super helpful, even in 15 minute settings!
What are YOU called to be sharing in 2020?
  What do you want more activated and expressed?
 What breakthroughs are you craving?
My brand new Facebook page: