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"YES ",
published Sept. ’00, "Woman Spirit Rising"

I was at the beach today watching a seagull limp. I was wishing that I could look at its leg to see if there was anything I could do to help relieve its pain. I thought how sad it is that other species don't trust us enough to allow us to assist them in these ways.

This reminded me of an incident that happened when I was a child. We had a black labrador named Liza Jane who loved to chew on sticks. One day a large piece of stick got jammed deep into her mouth vertically. I immediately offered my help to her but she wouldn't let me near her very painful wound. I gave her space to do it her way. It was hard for me to watch as she tried and tried to dislodge it herself. Finally she allowed me to help. I simply reached into her mouth and in less than a minute gently dislodged the stick. Whew. She was grateful.

I wonder how much I'm like Liza Jane. How often do I clamp my jaws shut in determination to stubbornly do things my way, blind in pain, and overwhelmed with what seems to be a huge problem? I know with such certainty of the incredible, skillful, conscious guides who so joyously help me all the time as I go through this dimensional transformational process. How can I ever more simply be open in every moment to Divine Grace and Expertise? Even my most painful and seemingly inextricable dilemas could possibly be remedied by simple trust, surrender, and willingness to open to ease. How much are we willing to receive? Can we allow members of our own species to get close, to love us, even when we feel weak, afraid, or vulnerable? We all know what the blessing of a single hug can do. When we're hurting and hesitant to ask for help or love, may we remember how wonderful it feels to give and be received. And let us choose to give that gift to another by ourselves saying yes to being loved.


Singing your praises,
like a rushing wave
I hungrily dash myself onto your shores
calling for your embrace, drunken ecstasy
I surrender myself fully
dissolving piece by piece into your sands
as you drink
drink me
never dry