Source Healing and Awakening

Upcoming Group Events in October and November!

"Ignite into Your manifesting Magic!" Initiation
Thank Heavens! call series
Igniting Your Diamond Corona
Immune System Empowerment
Abundance Breakthrough
Source Healing & Awakening ~ the work
About Christine Hodil
Contact & Payment
Mp3s Store
RENEWAL Energetics training program
Physical Trauma Healing Testimonials
More Testimonials
Lyme Disease Healing
Breaking the Bonds of Duality online course
Music Samples
Prayers of Awakening project
The Illuminated Sound of Creation
Singing, Sound, Healing Voice
Your Abundant Prosperity mp3s
New Heart, New Gut & Core Alignment
New Gut and Inner Core Upgrade
Evolutionary Initiations, Modules 1-3
"Free at Last" Initiation program
Source Training Program
8 Chakras Healing & Activation Series Mp3s
The Divine Template of Man Initiation
Source Connections Intensives & Healing Services
After 9 months integration of my journey through a major passage of transformation in December, I am coming out of hibernation to offer you these events for your healing and awakening. I am so excited to once again be available in group format! Besides the group energy being so sweet and potent, these also provide a very large savings for this round so more of you can attend and receive such powerful support.
You can attend groups #1 and # 3 groups long distance, as I can work with you as if you are there. Yes, it can be just as powerful as being there.
If you have any questions, please give me a call or email. Please note that RSVPs are necessary, and early ones encouraged. I hope to see you soon!
(PLEASE NOTE:  there is a typo in the info below. All 5 of the healing groups are on Wed. eves; correct date is Oct. 30 not the 29th.)
Much love always, all ways,
Christine   1-800-325-0264
These 3 events are rare opportunities to work in group format with Christine.
Prepaid registration ensures your space in the groups. RSVPs are necessary to attend.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a typo in the dates for the Healing groups... one is not Oct. 29th, it is Oct. 30. Each one is on a Wed. evening.
You can attend groups # 1 and # 3 groups long distance, as I can work with you as if you are there. Yes, it can be just as powerful!
Please feel free to contact me with questions about attending or the nature of the groups!
1-800-325-0264 or sourcehealing(at)yahoo(dot)com.
To preregister using Paypal or credit card, please go to the contact page, and follow the directions there; then call or email Christine to let her know which event and date you are attending. You may also preregister by sending a personal check or postal money order, in enough time to meet the savings date, to Christine Hodil, 22 Meadow Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
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